Saturday, August 24, 2013

Celebs New Trend !

 Golden Eyebrows is quite Fashionable

Bleached eyebrows are really harder to notice, but they are slowly, yet surely making their way up in the world of fashion as well as in everyday life.
If you have decided to succumb to this tendency, there are some things you should know.
1- Do not bleach your eyebrows yourself. There are so many things that can go wrong. When using chemicals this close to the eyes it is best to trust a specialist to do it.
2- Choose your color well. The color of your eyebrows should harmonize with your complexion and the color of your hair, not clash with it. If your hair is dark, make your eyebrows just a few tones lighter. If you are blond, you can bravely bleach your eyebrows white. A dramatic effect is what you should be striving to achieve.
DIY at home with a simple trick.
 If you do not wish to bleach your eyebrows permanently or use chemicals, then you can make them look lighter by covering them with foundation and face powder. Use dark eye shadows in order to highlight the effect.

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